December 19, 1946 ~ May 11, 1969

A young Richland man was electrocuted and another injured during a gopher-hunting trip in Badger Canyon on the afternoon of May 11, 1969.
Clayton E. "Bob" Nelson Jr (age 22) was killed when he picked up a long aluminum irrigation pipe a gopher had run into, and it touched a power line.
Benton County sheriff's officers said the power line, connecting to an irrigation pump house was approximately 40 feet above the ground. The pipe, which caught in Nelson's trouser cuff, fell against the power line.
Nelson was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Nelson of Richland. It was the second death in the Nelson family in six months.
Another son, Melvin (age 25) was killed in Vietnam December 10, 1968. The family received the Bronze Star and Purple Heart posthumously for him only last Tuesday.
Nelson was hunting with two brothers, Dallas Hoover Jr (age 24) ('62) and Clifton Hoover (age 21) ('66) sons of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hoover of Richland.
Dallas was injured trying to pull Nelson away from the pipe and power line. He was reported in good condition at Kennewick General Hospital after being taken by ambulance for shock, respiratory difficulties and hand cuts.
Clifton ran to a nearby farmhouse and called for help. Sheriff's officers and a Kennewick ambulance responded. Nelson was dead when the ambulance arrived.
"They've gone gopher hunting up there many times," Mrs. Nelson said. "They had a lot of fun up there. The gophers are all over."
Officers reported the accident occurred at 1:20 pm, about seven miles west of the Badger Road intersection with 10th Avenue and Clodfelter Road. The men were hunting along an irrigation ditch about two miles off the road.
Nelson had been studying drafting at Columbia Basin College and would have graduated in June.
He was born December 19, 1946 in Tacoma. He attended Jefferson Elementary School, Chief Jo Junior High School and graduated from Richland's Columbia High School with the Class of 1965. He was attending CBC and was a member of the All Saints Episcopal Church.
Survivors include his parents and a sister, Nancy ('69).
Funeral services were held at the All Saints Episcopal Church with the Rev. Marcus Hitchcock officiating. Burial was at Sunset Memorial Gardens.
Published in the Tri-City Herald on May 12, 1969.

Bomber Memorial put together by Shirley COLLINGS Haskins ('66).